How does human intelligence mechanism works?
In other words, how does Eidetic can help us in Artificial intelligence creation? Let’s look into exemplar. What is the Eidos? This is a mind image of real object, thing, idea, event, action… We can say that any dictionary definition is Eidos sui generis.Plato believed that Eidoses are material and real exist in World of ideas. We can concede with it, if we can imaging Eidos like engineering drawing, combined text, image, symbol. This is not the object as is, but this is a simplified model, pictogram or cast, snapshot. If so, we can work with Eidoses-snapshots in reality!Our mind makes this job in every second, beginning from elementary domestic operations and finishing with creation of difficult inventions, engineering. But only in engineering inventions our mind looks really beautiful. After that, invention is more satisfy for exemplar.How human makes inventions? Why the sleeps or visions are happen in the beginning of great invention? Like it’s happened with great chemical scientist D.Mendeleev, Periodic Table inventor? Because we can “view” invention. We have to view invention like idea, like clear image in our mind (imagination) before we can do something with it.What if we are in place of inventor instead? You are living in 19-th century. There are no exist submarine yet. Jules Verne didn’t wrote “20 000 league under water” yet. You accept the order from Defense Ministry “to invent new enemy ship destroyer. It has to operate in masked mode, ammunition is limited and arms are weak. It has to be like lonely sea hunter. Interesting, in the World War Two Germany met simple task. It had to fight with surpassed Great Britain fleet which was much more powerful. So, how solve a problem?First thing that inventor begin to do is brain storm, looking for fresh ideas. Let’s describe that process step by step.
Start of thinking.
1. Obviously, current method of see war is not secret. Main fleet weapon is ships. To protect ship from shells engineers made it armored, hard cannon armed. Hereupon, ships are very massive, visible, heavily-loaded and low-speeding.
2. Probably we should made little fast bots-hunters?
3. But increasing ship speed for subversive war, we have to add more powerful engine. Increasing ships engine, we essentially increasing its size and weight. But this lead to speed slowdown. And thus ad infinitum. At exit of process we gat ship-monster again! This is a dead-end.
4. What if think about increasing of hiding? This is difficult to hide in opened see. What if to hide on the place we stay – under water? But existing ships can’t to do so. Who can? Fish!
5. But fish is not ship. It can’t transporting weapon and soldiers. Can we transform fish into ship or ship into fish? Take notice: suddenly engineer get the Plato dialectic question: how we can как combine of non-combining? (herу and after emphasis is mine).6. Diagram of this contradiction is looks like:
To find decision of this task we have to find the exit from this contradiction? But how? - With help of analyses. 7. What is the ships essence? In other words, what is the Eidos of the ship? – Ship is the big boat.
What is the fish essence? – Fish is the “alive” little boat.
This is a better: two boats with different scale and purposes.8. What if we reduce them to a common scale and combine them in one? Let’s make big boat-ship which can swimming under water!
9. Which way? Like fish which can regulate self-surfacing/submergence with help of special fish bladder. That bladder can be transform into sea inlet in the navy.
End of thinking
So, we have observed the thinking process in engineering manner step by step. Is it truth that you have repeated something like that many times trying to solve some task or problem? If so, that engineering mechanism is ordinary for people from very beginning, from childhood. Like air we breathe regularly but didn’t notice it. Concerning programming –all is very simple in this area and nothing exists except image processing (Eidos processing).First of all, we have described discussed images (patterns), recognized them. After that, we simplified (convoluted) them to manipulate them if needed. Further we worked out that images (Eidoses) according to dialectical laws. We compared them, found similarities and equivalencies. We have created new image on the base of two previous. Then we unrolled them into full-fledged solution.Image processing is the thing that artificial neural networks learned very well. And image convolution/unrolling neural networks can do without problem. As well as neural networks can find similar images based on Deep Learning and even create new images like patterns imitation.But neural networks definitely have some troubles with dialectical law. This is not amazing. Everybody is crazy of neural networks, but dialectic is algorithm. Science denied algorithmic artificial intelligence since 1970.Hereby, to create full-fledged, strong artificial intelligence we need “a little”: united algorithm or methodology which can combine all existing technologies into one logical complex.For realization of Dialectical algorithm we should use special exemplar of computer language. Language which based on non-command universal and understandable for any human discourse: imagine – pictogram – Eidos.I named that “Eidetic programming language©” and computer programs which will be created with help of this language – “Eidetic Artificial Intelligence©”. ***You can find the principle schema (hi level Eidetic algorithm©) below.