9 прочтений · 3 года назад
Уимблдон принимает гостей
Wimbledon Побывать на Уимблдоне, даже когда турнир закончился может каждый. Восточный вход на центральный корт! Экскурсия включает в себя проход по местам, где спортсмены выходят на центральный корт, небольшой...
1 прочтение · 10 месяцев назад
Tennis is the game where two players or two teams ( one team contains of 2 players) compete with each other. That sport is popular in the whole world. Players (teams) are on opposite sides of the net. One of them is the server and puts the ball into play and serves. The second player is the receiver of the serve. The players' task is to direct the ball with racket strikes towards the opponent's side, while hitting the ball within the boundaries of the court. The player must have time to hit the ball before it touches the court more than once...