Кредитный кризис в Южной Корее расширяется после того как местный страховщик Heungkuk Life не исполнил опцион по выкупу вечных облигаций впервые с 2009 года. После задержки облигации страховщика резко упали до 86%. "In a particularly alarming development, yields on local commercial paper that companies use to raise funds for short-term payments like payroll have surged to a 13-year high. Meanwhile, spreads on won corporate notes have risen to the highest since at least 2010. Korea’s offshore bonds, which had been considered a relatively safe bet in Asia, are also seeing a widening in yield premiums. Korea’s credit market turmoil is continuing even after authorities jumped into action to try to nip it in the bud. They’ve unveiled a 50 trillion won ($35 billion) aid package for credit markets, while the Bank of Korea is expanding the range of bonds it will accept as collateral. And the banking regulator said last week that financial institutions will start paying 3 trillion won into a fund to stabilize credit markets."
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