2 подписчика
Have you ever seen a horse? The question may sound silly in 2020 but it was a complete nonsense in 1820. World horse population is estimated at 58 million. Ten countries in the world have a horse population of more than a million...
3 года назад
3 подписчика
Opening a Bank Account in the United States Many international businesses need to open a U.S. business bank accounts to make doing business with U.S. customers more convenient and to avoid the hassle of foreign currency and exchange rates. In general, it is strongly recommended that a business entity maintains a separate bank account. This would help keep entity in compliance with IRS record-keeping requirements and will provide for a better way to manage company’s cash flow. After 9/11 and with the passing of the Patriot Act it became really hard for foreigners to open U...
5 лет назад
11 подписчиков
Inside the Hunt for Russia’s Most Notorious Hacker Garrett M. Graff Chad Hagen ON THE MORNING of December 30, the day after Barack Obama imposed sanctions on Russia for interfering in the 2016 US election, Tillmann Werner was sitting down to breakfast in Bonn, Germany. He spread some jam on a slice of rye bread, poured himself a cup of coffee, and settled in to check Twitter at his dining room table. The news about the sanctions had broken overnight, so Werner, a researcher with the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, was still catching up on details...
3 месяца назад
55 подписчиков
Opening a Bank Account in the United States Many international businesses need to open a U.S. business bank accounts to make doing business with U.S. customers more convenient and to avoid the hassle of foreign currency and exchange rates. In general, it is strongly recommended that a business entity maintains a separate bank account. This would help keep entity in compliance with IRS record-keeping requirements and will provide for a better way to manage company’s cash flow. After 9/11 and with the passing of the Patriot Act it became really hard for foreigners to open U...
5 лет назад