5 лет назад
The Biggest iPad Changes Coming to iPadOS from WWDC 2019
Apple made some really big announcements about the future of all its products during its annual Worldwide developer Conference on Monday — WWDC, for short — but one of the biggest has to be the fact that iPads now have their own operating system, iPadOS. Instead of using iOS, the same software used on the iPhone, the iPad will be able to go its own way. Based on the presentation, that will allow it better follow a path that splits the difference between a phone and a laptop, making a viable alternative to a home computer for basic tasks like typing and browsing the web...
10,8 тыс читали · 3 года назад
Как включить тачпад на ноутбуке
Для включения и выключения тачпада на ноутбуке чаще всего используется комбинация горячих клавиш. На некоторых моделях можно найти отдельные кнопки, отвечающие за состояние сенсорной панели. Не стоит также забывать о возможности программного выключения и включения тачпада...