2 года назад
Strategies for Realizing the Benefits of 3D Integrated Modeling of Buildings for the AEC Industry
Each industrial domain's business models provide unique contexts for information technology innovation. The part of the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry that deals with building design and construction is the subject of this article. On a variety of construction sites, the building industry custom designs, engineers, and constructs projects. The parts are either off-the-shelf, made-to-order, or custom-built on-site. On a project, a group of design and engineering experts collaborate, each bringing their own expertise and using specialised software. The value of all construction...
447 читали · 4 года назад
Установка программы Компас-3d
Привет, сегодня мы разберемся как быстро и без проблем поставить «КОМПАС 3D» на ваш ПК. 1) Скачайте архив с ISO файлом по ссылке. 2) после скачивания разархивируйте архив, у вас появится файл kompas3d V13 sp1...