158 прочтений · 1 год назад
💵 Цитаты и афоризмы про деньги в английском языке
Деньги для англичан, американцев и прочих англосаксов – всё. В стержне национального характера понимание: чем ты богаче, тем больше любим Богом. Мерило признания обществом и принятия себя. Поэтому и цитат-афоризмов про богатство и бедность они знают немало. Даже если их авторы из других стран. Ознакомимся и мы – извлечём пользу. Поехали! Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune. Jim Rohn Genius is born--not paid. Oscar Wilde A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain...
26 прочтений · 2 года назад
Текст на английском "Money". Деньги
In the past people didn’t have any money and they used a barter system. They simply exchanged goods and services for other goods and services. For example, if you wanted a cow, you would have to find a person who owned it willing to exchange it for something else. It was extremely difficult and time-consuming. That is why it was decided to invent money. Nowadays it is rather difficult to imagine our lives without money. Money serves many important purposes. We buy and sell different things, receive salaries, fees, pensions or subsidies, send money orders and exchange currency...