в которых вы точно сомневались! 1) Answer the question или answer TO the question? ▫️ Answer the question Когда answer выступает в роли глагола, предлог не ❌ используется. Can you answer the question, please? Можешь, пожалуйста, ответить на вопрос? ▫️ Answer TO the question Если answer является существительным, предлог нужен. I have no answer to the question 🤷. У меня нет ответа на твой вопрос. 2) Help do или help TO do? ▫️Help do Помочь кому-то что-то сделать, дать совет, оказать финансовую или психологическую поддержку 🙏...
3 года назад
Universal answer-question
Answering a question with a question is a sign of bad manners. If this is not a clarification of the previous question, then most likely this is an attempt to evade an answer, change the subject, or end the conversation. If the question is considered an attack, then the answer is defense. If you use the principle - the best defense is an attack, then it is better not just to defend, but to counterattack. Answering a question with a question will be such a counterattack, thus the status of the defender changes, and he becomes an attacker...