8 месяцев назад
⤵️🐱🍺🍴💎Идеи для интерьера бара в зелено-бирюзовые тонах от Midjourney Бесконечное количество разнообразных идей для дизайна интерьера от нейросети. Interior design concept + lounge restaurant room + bright stone bar in foreground + green wall with large inclined moldings in background + "MIDJO" embossed on wall + bronze-colored mirror on recessed wall + LED glass shelves with bottles and glasses+ elegant and sophisticated atmosphere + luxurious and modern aesthetics + ambient lighting + contemporary architectural style + high-end interior design inspiration Interior decor layout + lounge restaurant setting + bright stone bar positioned in foreground + green wall adorned with large inclined moldings in background + "MIDJO" embossed in wall + bronze-colored mirror on wall in recess + LED glass shelves holding bottles and glasses + chic and upscale design concept + modern and classy aesthetic + ambient mood lighting + blend of luxury and functionality in design a lounge restaurant room. In the foreground there is a bright stone bar. In the background behind the bar, there is a wall painted green with very large inclined moldings. The letter "MIDJO" is embossed on the green wall. In a recess following the green wall, there is a wall covered with a bronze-colored mirror and LED glass shelves on which bottles and glasses are placed. --v 6.0 --style raw Capture the essence of a diner interior with blue seats and checkered flooring, utilizing a light turquoise and beige color scheme, inspired by the vancouver school with retro pop art elements, emphasis on striped arrangements and piles of items, employing vray for realistic rendering, and incorporating subtle vignettes of Paris for a raw and authentic feel in the art piece. "MIDJO ART" logo on the wall Если нравится, ставь лайк😊👍🏻 Фото в комментариях👇 🤖Попробуйте сами с Midjourney Bot 🪩 Больше промтов и изображений на midjourneypromt.com
19 прочтений · 11 месяцев назад
Текст с тенями
И с градиентом! Как сделать на css обводку текста? ➡️ Итак, один из способов: задать тень (text-shadow), причем тени задаем с каждой стороны text-shadow: 1px 0 1px #000,     0 1px 1px #000,    -1px 0 1px #000,    0 -1px 1px #000; Удобно, если у текста несколько обводок, например: text-shadow:   -2px 0 red,   0 2px violet,   2px 0 red,   0 -2px blue; ❗️Однако, если нужно, чтобы текст при этом был прозрачным, то color: transparent; при наличии text-shadow...