102 прочтения · 2 года назад
Looking forward to the WCF General Assembly
(English version) Very new color I read the text that the judging committee plans to send to the WCF General Assembly in connection with the planned recognition of the "new" golden color. This color, golden chinchilla (ny 12), is so "new" that the standard for it was created long before the 2000s, stupidly writing it from the standard of Persian cats. The long coat of the "Persians" allows them to largely hide the pattern, so golden chinchillas in the Persian breed to this day remain genetically patterned without exception: the pattern does not prevent them from looking tipped...
103 прочтения · 2 года назад
РЕЗЕРВ Британская девочка, золотая шиншилла-пойнт Valkyrie Ermine Trace готова показать свою новую фотосессию. Очень красивая щекастая малышка, возможная носительница осветления. Подробности WhatsApp/Telegram +79265689926 +++++++++++ British girl, golden chinchilla point Valkyrie Ermine Trace is ready to show her new photo shoot. A very beautiful cheeky baby, a possible carrier of lightening. More info WhatsApp/Telegram +79265689926