404 прочтения · 9 месяцев назад
Новогодняя атрибутика на английском (3 часть)
Продолжаем тему зимы. Часть 3 Первая часть вот по этой ссылке: https://dzen.ru/a/ZXg4RvyuazkofhQ6?share_to=link Вторая часть здесь: https://dzen.ru/a/ZXrX8S87ZBZRCPzu?share_to=link Четвёртая часть здесь: https://dzen.ru/a/ZYh8X0HWu2wkb9k7?share_to=link 1) Бенгальские огни - a sparkler ['spɑːklə] или Bengal lights [beŋˈgɔːl] [laɪts] 2) Бусы на ёлку - Christmas tree beads [biːds] 3) Вата - cotton wool ['kɔtən] [wul] 4) Венок - wreath [riːθ]; рождественский венок - Christmas wreath 5) Дед Мороз - Grandpa...
3 прочтения · 5 лет назад
THOA/Chapter 102
There was a regular Saturday clamor at the Cherkizoff market. The snowflakes danced in the winter twilight, sparkled within the street-lamp rays, fell down at the people's shoulders. Some decorated Christmas trees could already be seen here and there. Everything around breathed the fascinating, cozy atmosphere of the forthcoming holiday. Two pretty fresh-faced young girls in Alaska fur-coats halted by a tent with cocktail dresses. Those were Yana and Olive in search of flash outfits for themselves and Christmas presents for their Arkhangelsk friends. "Look, what about this perfect little dress?"...