11 месяцев назад
Rebus time! 🧩Calling all brainiacs! Here's a challenge: Create a game-themed rebus - puzzles that use pictures to represent words or parts of words. For example, a cat + an eye = CAT EYE. Got it? Great! 🎮As die-hard gamers, we're excited to see how you blend gamification and creativity into your rebus! Not about winning, but the spirit of fun and innovation. 🪄 🏆 Invent the most unique rebus and win a shout-out in our next post plus bragging rights. 😎 💪 So, gear up your imagination, create your rebus and share it in the comments. #RebusChallenge #Gamification Ready to puzzle with us? 🎉 Let the games begin! 🤔 In the meantime, get to know our rebus👇
4958 читали · 3 года назад
Интересные ребусы на английском языке
С помощью ребусов можно увлекательно изучать язык в игровой форме и запоминать слова с помощью ассоциаций. Но как решать и составлять эти задачки? Рассказываем!