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«The Pfeiffer Book of Successful Team-Building Tools : Best of the Annuals» Elaine Biech Year after year, consultants, trainers, and human resource professionals have come to rely on the Annuals to provide them with the most current and quality tools on a wide variety of topics. In this book, editor Elaine Biech and contributors to the Annuals have honed in on the important theme of team building to create the first topic-specific book in the Annuals series. The Pfeiffer Book of Successful Team-Building Tools includes an innovative ten-block model for building a high-performance team and draws on the best-on-the-topic articles from thirty-five years of Annuals volumes. Open the pages of The Pfeiffer Book of Successful Team-Building Tools and you will find: A Stellar Panel of Contributors including Julie O"Mara, Patrick Doyle, Laurence C. Porter, Robert C. Preziosi, Anthony J. Reilly, John E. Jones, Leonard D. Goodstein, and Karen Vander Linde A Toolbox Loaded with activities, surveys, and information that you can put in place to build high-performing teams A Complete Team-Building Kit that includes a model for determining a team"s strengths and weaknesses "I cut my training teeth on The Pfeiffer Annuals, and I"ve been a faithful advocate of these peerless guides ever since the first one. I"m just beside myself with glee to have a collection of the "classic team-building tools" all in one place! Elaine Biech has done a masterful job of bringing together the all-time favorites and organizing them into a practical model. You"ve just got to have this book on your shelf, within easy reach. Buy it now! I know you"re going to use it often." --James M. Kouzes, coauthor of The Leadership Challenge and Encouraging the Heart, chairman emeritus, Tom Peters Company Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Pfeiffer Book of Successful Team-Building Tools : Best of the Annuals (Elaine Biech). Напишите свою рецензию о книге Elaine Biech «The Pfeiffer Book of Successful Team-Building Tools : Best of the Annuals» http://izbe.ru/book/81035-the-pfeiffer-book-of-successful-team-building-tools-best-of-the-annuals-elaine-biech/