4 прочтения · 5 лет назад
New TOP 35 Christmas books for children and the whole family 1
Every year we prepare a book review for the winter holidays, and every new year there are more and more interesting books, and the editions themselves are more interesting and colorful. We present to your attention a new TOP-35 bright, good Christmas books for children and the whole family Books we tried to break down by age. It is possible that with some books you want to introduce young readers before, and with some later. But we are sure that these books will appeal to both readers and listeners...
4 прочтения · 5 лет назад
Large catalog of gift ideas for children for the New year
Holiday full of pleasant cares and concerns welcome. Adults, like children, are full of dreams and waiting for the magic of a fabulous night. And how nice to be a real magician and please the children with long-awaited gifts and incredible surprises, fill the house with happiness, delight, care and love. We conducted a " survey of parents: the most desired Christmas gifts for children." In addition to our site, the survey was conducted in our Instagram account, as well as in the Effective Moms community...