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English и немного New Year in Russia
New Year is a holiday celebrated in many cultures. In Russia it occurs on the 1st of January (New Years Day). But there is also Chinese New Year, Islamic New Year, for example. They are celebrated on other days...
New Year's Eve in Russia is celebrated noisily, cheerfully and for a long time! Most people start celebrating the holiday on December 31, and finish in the tenth days of January. For many years, Russians by law have the right to a New Year's vacation, the term of which is approximately ten days. During this time you can have time to do a lot: to visit all relatives, relatives, friends, to visit Christmas trees and other festive events, you can even arrange a small vacation, going to another city or country. New Year's Eve from December 31 to January 1 is usually spent with relatives, because this holiday is considered a family and home.