Что такое новый год? История и традиции праздника. Новый год в России.
New Year, history through the ages
One of the most large-scale and favourite holidays in Russia is the new year. And as it gets closer and closer, I suggest you plunge into the history of this celebration and to learn as traditions of celebration of New year changed. We will begin with pagan Russia. Though data since that period remained a little, some data nevertheless reached our days. Ancient Slavs had two holidays reminding new year: kolyadal (day of a winter solstice | on December 21) and komoyeditsa (day of a spring solstice | on March 21)...
Happy Old New Year! + History of the origin of the holiday.
Good day everyone. Today is a rather unusual day. Rather, it is customary for Russia and the countries of the former USSR, but unusual for the rest of the world. Today, we are celebrating the New Year! Second New Year for January! We call it "Old New Year"...