2 года назад
Christmas tree. Short stories with BabyRiki. Рисуем, наряжаем ёлку и учим цвета с малышариками.
Christmas Holidays come to BabyRiki! In this episode, they draw Christmas decorations and then decorate the tree. - Hello, children. What are you going to do today? - Let’s draw! - Great idea! Okay, let’s draw. - Oh, look! It’s a Christmas tree. But it isn’t very colourful. What colour should it be? В карусели несколько картинок. Вначале, покажите ребёнку нераскрашенную картинку. Попросите его ответить на вопрос, про цвет. А затем уже рассматривайте другие картинки. Проделывайте ту же работу и с другими картинками и вопросами...
1 месяц назад
A Christmas Tree From "Some Christmas Stories"By Charles Dickens
#christmas #studywithnadi #dickens I have been looking on, this evening, at a merry company of children assembled round that pretty German toy, a Christmas Tree. The tree was planted in the middle of a great round table, and towered high above their heads. It was brilliantly lighted by a multitude of little tapers; and everywhere sparkled and glittered with bright objects. There were rosy-cheeked dolls, hiding behind the green leaves; and there were real watches (with movable hands, at least, and...