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Новогодние слова и выражения на английском
До Нового Года еще очень и очень далеко, но это не является причиной упустить из виоду популярные праздничные выражения! Ring in the New Year — праздновать начало нового года в полночь We want to go to the skating rink to ring in the new year. How will you ring in the new year? Make a resolution – дать себе обещание Do you usually make a New Year’s resolution? I’ve made a New Year’s resolution to go to the gym. Raise one’s glasses – поднять бокалы Let’s raise our glasses to a Happy New Year! Are you ready to raise your glasses? New Year’s Eve – канун нового года, вечер 31 декабря We’re organizing a party on New Year’s Eve...
2 года назад
Christmas is the most renowned and biggest occasion for Christians and with most of the total populace being Christians, it is the most awaited occasion of the year. Children are fascinated by the idea of bringing Christmas gifts to Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. The elders exchange gifts and beautifully celebrate the occasion with joy. The house is beautifully decorated with Christmas trees and other decorations, wishes are exchanged, gifts are exchanged, feasts are hosted and many other fun events complete the Christmas festivities. If you are also searching for some exotic Christmas gifts for...