12 прочтений · 6 месяцев назад
The Most Mysterious Category of the English Verb (Aspect): what is not Written in Textbooks
In the process of learning English, I found that many textbooks skip or pay insufficient attention to one of the most mysterious and at the same time important categories – the aspect of verb. The type of verb plays a key role in understanding the subtleties and nuances of language, emphasizing the differences between simple, long-lasting, perfect and completely long-lasting aspects of action in different tenses. Given this gap in traditional learning, I decided to develop my own set of exercises specifically aimed at developing understanding and proper use of the verb type in English...
4,1K прочтений · 1 неделю назад
Разбираем задания Олимпиады по Английскому языку 7-8 класс 2024 Московская обл
and mark the statements below with “Т” if they are truе or “F” if they аrе false. You will hear the recording twic... Ответ: You will hear the recording twice... Ответ: get married at the age of 20. Ответ: helped people in need. Ответ: worked on a campaign to ban landmines. Ответ: 1997 Ответ: came to London for the funeral. People can come here all night. You can get out from here. If you phone this number, you will get more information. Car drivers can only use this road in the daytime. People do not eat this...