How do neural network predictions work? Just kidding, Stoloto company does not give a complete picture of the game, which makes it difficult to build logic and analysis based on ordinary statistics to win huge money. if you ask alisa, she advises lottery predictions The reason why lottery predictions fail from the past is that the Stoloto lottery draw is an independent event, and past draw results do not always affect future opportunities to win money. An example of how AI works  Artificial intelligence looks into the future of the lottery   Method - neural network with teacher Supervised learning 80% Training sample neural network training set 5 k event dates - 100 % reliability license plate recognition - 80 % reliability possible income 6884 % Prediction status: ok Brute force combinatorics brute force 0.00176% Tags: #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #Artificial Intelligence #prediction An AI startup is trying to solve this problem by reducing the brute force How to make money from AI is the billion dollar question Predicting lottery results remains a challenge due to the randomness of the lottery machine's shuffling style and the lack of open proven methods for creating predictions that can guarantee an AI startup's ability to win BIG money. And it's funny
6 прочтений · 2 года назад
Лунный календарь на октябрь 2022 года, который укажет текущий лунный день, фазы Луны на весь месяц, и как лунные дни влияют на человека, его поведение. Лунный гороскоп планирования дел с ежедневными рекомендациями и советами — благоприятные дни… #судьба #жизнь #Овен #Телец #Близнецы #Рак #Лев #Дева #Весы #Скорпион #Стрелец #Козерог #Водолей #Рыбы #деньги #Луна #месяц #новолуние #полнолуние #ДарьяГороскоп #октябрь #осень