3 прочтения · 3 года назад
Christmas catholic Although I am not a Catholic / Protestant / Lutheran, etc., I have warm feelings for Catholic Christmas (maybe it’s all because of my love for Western cinematography influences, or maybe just because it is a cozy family holiday, and no matter what religion you profess).My old dream is to visit good old England at Christmas. After all, it is here that this incredible spirit of the holiday reigns. In the house in the center of events there is not only a Christmas tree, but also a fireplace -  Santa will sneak through it to leave presents. The fireplace is traditionally decorated with ivy, mistletoe and holly. By the way, why exactly are they the main decorations of Christmas? Someone says that Christ's crown was not of thorns, but of holly ... And someone believes that traditions go back to paganism, when these plants were protected from evil spirits ... And since the Middle Ages, the custom of kissing under a mistletoe branch has gone. After this action, each of the kissing people should eat a berry and - voila! the couple is considered betrothed. Do you believe in some omens? Which ones?
3 прочтения · 4 года назад
American Christmas
Christmas is celebrated to remember the birth of of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the Son of God. The name 'Christmas' comes from the Mass of Christmas. A Mass service (which is sometimes called Communion or Eucharist) is where Christians remember that Jesus died for us and then came back to life. The majority of people celebrate Christmas. Catholic prefer Christmas more than new year. One of the most celebrating country is USA. The United States of America has many different traditions and ways that people celebrate Christmas, because of its multi-cultural nature...