194 подписчика
1. Chinese New Year, or Lunar New Year, is a festival celebrated annually on the traditional Chinese calendar depending on the sighting of the new moon. 2. It begins with the first new moon that appears between January 21 and February 20 and spans the first 15 days of the first month of the lunar calendar – until the full moon arrives. 3. In the People’s Republic of China, the occasion is referred to as the “Spring Festival”; however, “Chinese New Year” remains the official name in Taiwan. 4. The...
1 год назад
4 подписчика
Thailand is the most popular foreign destination for the Russian travelers this New Year festive season, the Russian Association of Tour Operators (ATOR) has said. Among the domestic destination Sochi turned out as the most popular winter resort, the tourism industry Association revealed. “Thailand’s beaches and Sochi’s ski resorts competed fiercely for Russian travelers this New Year festive season, being the top destinations of choice for tourists from European and Asian parts of the country...
5 лет назад
20 подписчиков
В Китае Новый Год является самым важным из всех праздников. Многие люди, живущие за пределами Китая, называют его Лунный Новый год. Этот праздник отмечают по всему миру. Празднование Китайского Нового Года начинается в первый день первого лунного месяца по китайскому календарю. Заканчивается оно на 15-й день. Этот день называется Фестиваль фонарей и является ещё одним поводом, чтобы отметить [Новый Год] и устроить праздничный вечер...
4 года назад
23 подписчика
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. In line with the pace of the times, the Chinese fashion industry has demonstrated a leap-forward take-off and constantly refreshed the world's perception of "Chinese creation." In the new season, Shanghai Fashion Week will actively adapt to the development of the times and present new and new features in a new look, further helping the Chinese fashion industry to create value chain value and consolidate its position in the Asian and global fashion week system...
4 года назад