4 прочтения · 10 месяцев назад
‍Рассылка корпоративных подарков к Новому году в самом разгаре 🎄Чтобы посылки были доставлены партнеру в Германию из России к празднику, клиент заранее обратился в международную курьерскую службу Time Saving Machine🎁. В офисе каждую коробку со стеклянным елочным украшением ручной работы тщательно упаковали в воздушно–пузырчатую пленку, затем поместили в более прочную коробку для доставки в Европу из Москвы ✈️. Логисты подготовили накладные и инвойсы для прохождения таможенного контроля 📃. Времени до главного праздника в году осталось совсем мало — поспешите оформить заявку на доставку подарка за рубеж родственникам, друзьям, коллегам, партнерам и корпоративным клиентам, иначе позже курьерские службы будут перегружены, а в виду закрытых границ между Европой и Россией ожидаются задержки ⏰. Mailing of corporate gifts for the New Year is in full swing 🎄To ensure that the parcels were delivered to a partner in Germany from Russia in time for the holiday, the client contacted the international courier service Time Saving Machine🎁 in advance. In the office, each box with a handmade glass Christmas tree ornament was carefully packed in air bubble wrap, then placed in a more durable box for delivery to Europe from Moscow ✈️. Logisticians prepared waybills and invoices to pass customs control 📃. There is very little time left before the main holiday of the year - hurry up to make a request for overseas gift delivery to relatives, friends, colleagues, partners and corporate clients, otherwise later courier services will be overloaded and delays are expected due to closed borders between Europe and Russia ⏰. Phone consultation/ Консультация по телефону: 📱+7 (495) 023 49 19 +1 213 459 5581 Telegram/WhatsApp: +79851700376 Сайт: tsm.bz timesavingmachine.com timesavingmachine.ru #новый_год_2024 #скоро_новый_год #идеи_подарков #рождество #елочные_украшения #ручная_работа #подарки #шары_на_елку #игрушки_ручной_работы #new_year_2024 #new_year_soon #new_year_gift_ideas #Christmas #christmas_ornaments #handmade #gifts #tree_balls #handmade_toys
8 месяцев назад
«The Resilient Enterprise: Overcoming Vulnerability for Competitive Advantage» Yossi Sheffi What happens when fire strikes the manufacturing plant of the sole supplier for the brake pressure valve used in every Toyota? When a hurricane shuts down production at a Unilever plant? When Dell and Apple chip manufacturers in Taiwan take weeks to recover from an earthquake? When the U.S. Pacific ports are shut down during the Christmas rush? When terrorists strike? In The Resilient Enterprise, Yossi Sheffi shows that companies" fortunes in the face of such business shocks depend more on choices made before the disruption than they do on actions taken in the midst of it--and that resilience benefits firms every day, disaster or no disaster. He shows how companies can build in flexibility throughout their supply chains, based on proven design principles and the right culture--balancing security, redundancy, and short-term profits. And he shows how investments in resilience and flexibility not only reduce risk but create a competitive advantage in the increasingly volatile marketplace. Sheffi describes the way companies can increase security--reducing the likelihood of a disruption--with layered defenses, the tracking and analysis of a??near-misses,a?? fast detection, and close collaboration with government agencies, trading partners, and even competitors. But the focus of the book is on resilience--the ability to bounce back from disruptions and disasters--by building in redundancy and flexibility. For example, standardization, modular design, and collaborative relationships with suppliers (and other stakeholders) can help create a robust supply chain. And a corporate culture of flexibility--with distributed decision making and communications at all levels--can create a resilient enterprise. Sheffi provides tools for companies to reduce the vulnerability of the supply chain they live in. And along the way he tells the stories of dozens of enterprises, large and small, including Toyota, Nokia, General Motors, Zara, Land Rover, Chiquita, Aisin Seiki, Southwest Airlines, UPS, Johnson and Johnson, Intel, Amazon.com, the U.S. Navy, and others, from across the globe. Their successes, failures, preparations, and methods provide a rich set of lessons in preparing for and managing disruptions. Additional material available at www.TheResilientEnterprise.com Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Resilient Enterprise: Overcoming Vulnerability for Competitive Advantage (Yossi Sheffi). Напишите свою рецензию о книге Yossi Sheffi «The Resilient Enterprise: Overcoming Vulnerability for Competitive Advantage» http://izbe.ru/book/81337-the-resilient-enterprise-overcoming-vulnerability-for-competitive-advantage-yossi-sheffi/