Моя мама. Первые шаги маленького человечка. My mom. The first steps of a little man.
Моя мама. Первые шаги маленького человечка. Love is the only life line of human emotions to serve humanity. Devoid of love life is hell.     Madhukar Rad. Любовь - это единственная линия жизни человеческих эмоций, которая служит человечеству. Жизнь без любви - это ад.    Студентка, Комсомолка и , наконец, Просто Красавица.   Такие слова из знаменитого фильма Гайдая "Кавказская пленница" может сказать любой ребенок, рожденный в СССР. И я не исключение. Каждое слово в данном предложении, относительно именно моей МАМЫ, полностью соответсвует действительности...
As I wrote above, I am inspired by stories of recovery or health improvement even when a person does not go to doctors, taking oneself as healthy. And I get the most inspiration when the results are received by our loved ones. Here is one of those stories. Now my mother is 85 years old. But I had my first conversations about health and nutrition with her 18 years ago. By that time, despite the fact that she had already been retired for 12 years, she had to earn extra money, because the pension was small...