Money is the reason we exist 💸
Dollars and Sense: Making Fictional Money Seem Real
Hello! You are on the channel Cryptograph, thanks for reading me! Every positive and kind comment, like a ray of sun in my palm) The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author. For certain types of fiction, strong characters drive the story — in fact, authentic and powerful fictional characters should be the backbone of nearly every story. However, some stories will require much more and need to help the readers understand the world those characters live in. This way,...
Money loves silence big money loves grave silence
Money gives a person the freedom to choose whatever he wants, but financial success generates envy and enemies.
Money is the longed-for desire of almost any person. Dream about them, they are waiting for them to go on any victim and even murder. But despite this, they do not go to all. What is it? From the point of view of metaphysics, money, like everything in the world, live on their own, inherent only to them laws. They are moving, so they have a certain energy, which, as we know from physics, does not arise from nowhere and does not disappear anywhere. From here we can conclude that cash should work...