601 читали · 4 года назад
March of the Black Queen (часть первая)
Я продолжаю работать над пониманием текстов ранних песен Фредди Меркьюри и пытаюсь найти сквозные мотивы в них. Перед вами мое видение «Марша Черной Королевы».
The Livonian Brothers of the Sword (Part 1)
In the 13th century the campaigns to the shores of the Baltic were waged within the framework of the Crusading movement. The high spirit of its participants was evident, believing that they were performing a God-pleasing mission to the highest degree and conscious of themselves as an instrument of God. A constant influx of military reinforcements from Western European countries was necessary to keep the captured territory. Almost every year Bishop of Riga Albert von Buxthoeven went to Germany to recruit pilgrims...