H & S Галина Первеева Ромен Роллан / Galina Perveeva Romain Rolland
I want easy please give me new single about how our world is works - Me interested in this in every sense of the structure of the human soul
The Perception of the Divine – II
Восприятие Божественного - II This article comes as continuation and completion of the first part which, under the title "The Perception of the Divine – I", was published on the 9th of October 2024 here (amongst others): https://megalommatis.wordpress.com/2024/10/09/the-perception-of-the-divine-i/ The Shuyet ('middle spiritual body', also known as 'shadow') of Irynefer; wall-painting from his tomb at Deir el-Medina (Tomb of TT 290); being apparently dark, the 'shadow' was the higher (or more important) part of the soul that could eventually be represented...