A group about the Sadz tribe on Facebook
It just so happened in the Abkhazian segment of Facebook that groups where there is an unbearable conflictogenic atmosphere and a lot of discord are more popular and numerous. First of all, this indicates the short-sightedness of a significant part of the Abkhazian Internet users. And, of course, about their lack of culture. The group I want to tell you about now was created by Doctor of Philology, Professor Vyacheslav Chirikba. There are 785 participants in the group. The group has a public status...
5 лет назад
Some Facts About the Mayan People
Having achieved a certain stability, the Mayan civilization rushed to new heights of sophistication and extravagance. Archaeologists, who studied the life of the ancient Maya, were deeply impressed by their achievements and admired them. Michael Coe considers the period known as "classical" as the highest point of historical development of Central America. "For six centuries, from 250 to 900 AD, the ancient Mayans, especially those living in the central regions, reached intellectual and cultural heights with which no one in the New World could compare...