Car games
This sad and instructive story happened to my father and his two friends at the time of their dawn of the middle-aged crisis. Well, let's start with the order. We all know that the decommissioned cars from government agencies should be sold at auction, but, as a rule, they are bought by direct employees of the same institutions, and at a tiny (estimated) price. I won't go into details of the deal, so as not to cause a lot of complaints and accusations, just stating the fact that once my dad and...
5 лет назад
Crises and didactics Part 1
The teachers talk a lot about the crisis during the course of the programs. The more attentive ones have been talking about it since the beginning, since the beginning of the process of homination, marked by crises (climatic or variously environmental) that impressed on the human species decisive changes. They still know the crisis of the thirteenth century BC, the one that broke down the magnificent cultural and political structures of the Bronze Age, and gave rise to the millennium of Persia, Greece and Rome...