Сеня рядом и Белла пришел. Былое
IELTS Reading. Matching sentence endings
Information This task requires you to match sentence beginnings with a list of possible endings (there will be more sentence endings than you need). Because the beginnings and endings will often all match grammatically and make sense, you can't guess the answers from grammatical or semantic clues. Instead, locate the part of the text mentioned in each sentence beginning and then read it in detail to identify the ending that matches. Tips Strategy • Read the sentence beginning carefully. • Find the keywords and think of some similar words for them. • Find the part of the text where the answer is...
Reacting to Reading: Drawing Conclusions (I Read/I Think/Therefore)
Readers draw conclusions based on the ideas and information that they read from one or more sources. Providing a graphic organizer before reading helps students to organize their thinking during reading in order to analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions after reading. • Actively use prior knowledge and experiences when reading. • Read and respond to the important concepts and issues in the course, making inferences and drawing conclusions. • develop content and opinions for persuasive writing...