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«Protecting Endangered Species in the United States: Biological Needs, Political Realities, Economic Choices» Jason F. Shogren, John Tschirhart Protecting Endangered Species in the United States is a collection of original papers by economists, biologists and political scientists with a common theme--protecting species at risk while safeguarding social order is a policy challenge that entangles biology, politics, and economics. The volume begins by assessing the biological needs that define the endangered species problem. The authors then explore the political realities that delimit the debate--who pays the costs and receives the benefits, and how interest groups affect species protection. The book addresses the economic choices that must be confronted for effective protection strategies including incentive schemes to promote preservation on public and private land. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Protecting Endangered Species in the United States: Biological Needs, Political Realities, Economic Choices (Jason F. Shogren, John Tschirhart). Напишите свою рецензию о книге Jason F. Shogren, John Tschirhart «Protecting Endangered Species in the United States: Biological Needs, Political Realities, Economic Choices» https://izbe.ru/book/352056-protecting-endangered-species-in-the-united-states-biological-needs-political-realities-economic-choices-jason-f-shogren-john-tschirhart/
On the Charles Bridge
I continue to publish separate sections of my photobook "Photographing Cultural Heritage", which I published in 2021 in Russia. This book describes 16 monuments of tangible and intangible culture from 7 countries. Many monuments are UNESCO sites. Previous publications can be viewed here Today is the ninth conversation. About the Charles Bridge .------------------------------------------------------------ CHARLES BRIDGE This historical monument is one of the favorite places of Prague residents and visitors...