1 прочтение · 1 год назад
My city and mother
I was born in a small provincial town in the north of Kazakhstan. Our city had a famous namesake, so when I had to travel outside the borders of my small Motherland, for example, to the sea with my parents, and they asked me: “Where are you from, girl?”, __ then, having heard “Petropavlovsk”, they immediately specified: “Kamchatsky? ', which was somewhat embarrassing. Once, when I was still in school in the second grade, while visiting the museum of local lore, its employee told a legend about Russian cunning fugitive peasants. Two peasants with the names of Peter and Pavel escaped from the landowner and, moving east, came across the steppes of northern Kazakhstan...
4,8K прочтений · 3 недели назад
Ответы олимпиада ВсОШ английский язык, 5-6 класс, 77 регион Москва
1. Задание с диалогом: 1 - 7, 2 - 1, 3 - 3, 4 - 2, 5 - 6, 6 - 8, 7 - 4, 8 - 5. 2. Read the text below. Fill in the blanks 1-6 with sentences A-F. I really love my room. (1) . Because it’s full of fantastic things and sounds. (2). They shine in the dark. (3). I also have a cage full of white mice. (4). They are always more active at night than during the day. (5). Sometimes I like to think I’m a monkey swinging and jumping from bunk to bunk. (6). A) When I’m in bed, I imagine looking at the sky on a moonless night in a desert. B) Finally, my bunk bed is like a jungle gym. C) Can you guess why? D) I guess I’m pretty lucky to have such a cool room...