9 прочтений · 4 года назад
IELTS Writing Task 2: tech complicates our life
Задание Some people think technology makes life complex, so we should make life simpler without using technology. Do you agree or disagree? Тип Agree disagree essay Ответ One group of people believe that technology complicates life, and we should eliminate it to make life simpler. I completely disagree with this idea. Because of IT, humans have free time to become smarter compared with our ancestors who spend almost all the time feeding their hunger. On the one hand, technology makes our life significantly simpler from different perspectives...
16 прочтений · 5 лет назад
Selected project topic
Lots of interesting stuff is going on in the world! The pace of modern life shapes how people interact with the world, advanced technologies influence our decisions and, thus, consumer behavior is constantly changing. Making it even more interesting to research! One of the areas to explore is the phenomena of online learning and education. It seems that in the age of rapid information inflation, it is not enough to study in school/college/university. People are becoming eternal students, who are educating themselves with the help of vast variety of online platforms...