st it. You know, drawing is a lot like - it's not like riding a bike I guess, is what I'm trying to say. It's you know, it's kind of like lifting weights or something. Like if you don't draw for a long time, you forget how. And so I think that's been part of my struggle throughout my like entire life-long art journey is that I take so much time off that I don't really progress in the way that I daydream about, I suppose...
A bicycle (a bike) - Велосипед Your bike is gleaming in the sun. - Твой велосипед блестит на солнце. Can you ride a bike? - Ты умеешь кататься на велосипеде? Yes, I can. - Да, умею. No, I can’t. - Нет, не умею. Hop on your bike. - Запрыгивай на свой велосипед. Sit on the saddle. - Садись в седло (велосипеда). Hold the handlebar. - Держи руль велосипеда. Pedal. - Крути педали. You are pedaling. - Ты крутишь педали. We are learning to ride a bike. - Мы учимся ездить на велосипеде. I am riding a bike...