5 лет назад
Olympic Games
According to ancient Greek authors, the first Olympic Games were held in 776 BC. The competitions were part of a religious festival dedicated to the god Zeus. They were originally local in nature and were held in Elide, an area in the northwestern part of the Peloponnese, where today's Olympia is located. Later, the games spread to the entire Peloponnese peninsula, and then became Greek in general. It is believed that the Spartan legislator Liking played a major role in the formation of the Olympic Games...
4 года назад
History of racism at the Olympic Games
One of the current topics is racism, so we would like to talk about racism in sports. Many people know about racism at football matches, so let's look at the development of this problem in relation to the Olympic Games. It is important that the Olympic Charter states that any form of discrimination against a country or person of a racial, religious, political, or gender-based nature is incompatible with belonging to the Olympic movement. III Olympic Games of 1904 in St. Louis (USA) "Anthropological...