Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната - Дублированный (2 часть)
Harry Potter.
Hi! Today I will tell you about the film “Harry Potter”. I love watching this film on TV in New Year. First part of this film was made in 2001 in London. Film Harry Potter was made on J. K. Rowling’s books. The main characters there are Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter. In this film there are 8 parts. 1 Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone. 2 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. 3 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. 4 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire...
My favourite movie
I like go to the cinema very much and I like to watch different films. I like movies very much, especially fantasy. My favourite movie is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. The movie came out in 2001.Of course I have seen all of the Harry Potter movies. The movie is set in England in a place called Hogwarts. Harry Potter is a boy Who became a magician 11 years later. He has green eyes, a black hair and thin body. Harry has been wearing glasses. His parents died when he was a baby...