1138 читали · 3 года назад
Английское слово f*** на самом деле является аббревиатурой?
Про самое популярное англоязычное ругательство из четырёх букв часто говорят, что оно — сокращение фразы fornication under consent of the king («блуд по разрешению короля»). Мы решили проверить, так ли это...
116,1 тыс смотрели · 3 года назад
The Livonian Brothers of the Sword (Part 2)
The consequences of that Russian campaign proved to be very difficult for the Sword-Bearers: most of their possessions were lost. Coupled with considerable human losses, it dealt a serious blow to the military might of the Order. However, as further events showed, this blow was not devastating. Already in September of the same year, the Sword Brothers headed by Master Volkwin joined the united army of the Bishopric vassals, the Livonians and Latgalians, as well as the pilgrims under the command of Albrecht II...