1 прочтение · 2 года назад
A man comes to the hospital and says that his elbow hurts. The doctor sends him to take a urine test. The man is indignant: - Doctor, what urine, my elbow hurts! Doctor says: - I came to be treated, they said to hand over, then hand over, but don't argue. Well, an angry man comes home, took urine from his wife, daughter, mother-in-law, cat, water from the radiator, added brake fluid from the car, then he went and handed over all this mixture for analysis. Comes for the result, the doctor tells him: - Your cat is absolutely healthy, you can not worry about it. Batteries won't need to be repaired anytime soon. Mother-in-law develops a terrible disease, it is necessary to do an operation, expensive and only abroad. Don't worry about your daughter the body is young strong, despite the age of thirteen, the fetus was formed successfully, there will be twins. What can you say about your wife your wife has had syphilis for six months, and due to her illness, she does not give you and you masturbate in the toilet, and it’s crowded there, you beat with your elbow, so your elbow hurts. The man gets up and walks away frowning. The doctor calls after him: - And yet, change the brakes, otherwise you will fucking kill yourself! 👍👍👍
19,7K просмотров · 3 года назад
3 прочтения · 5 лет назад
Head of family
Spring slowly flared up. She had not yet begun to blaze, but she was already smoldering with might and main: there were thawed holes, and puddles, and even the air began to thicken from the spring flavor. Suddenly, unexpectedly, overnight, that is, in one night, winter returned again. Collapsed the snow roof to the ground. And spring in the city as if did not happen. It snowed all night, and in the morning the snowstorm began. Yes, as real as in February, although the calendar claimed that March was outside...