religious people are sons of bitches, in addition to claiming life in their imaginary bullshit to feed their divinities (imaginary figures and other inventions) they do a terrible thing with their imaginary sources they incite uncontrolled reproduction through the imaginary sources they have created using without consent personal information of the native species and the species of the Nibiruians.... the Nibiruians built 10 equipped wells or bunkers where only the inhabitants of the Nation of Sarpanit and the animals were brought to safety, all animal species, after the floods the Nibiruians gave ownership of the planet to members of the native species belonging to the nation of Sarpanitum... the religious motherfuckers took this information and put the imaginary humans Noah and sons in and said the planet is theirs and they could breed uncontrollably and take out all the animals they wanted...I can talk yes I'll explain @kremlinmuseums so where do I start yes, then about 200 thousand years ago the Nibiruians solved the problem on the atmosphere of Nibiru for which they required the extraction of gold on this planet, they had to decide whether to keep alive the native species that accelerated or not, so they closed the gold mines, took away all their technologies and dismantled all the cities etc they had built , and let the members of the native species develop on their own... 7 kingdoms were formed between of which that of my Mother Sarpanitum, only the kingdom of my mother Sarpanitum proved to be self-sufficient the others were destroyed by the floods and by the Nibiruians because with the idea of having everything immediately they joined the Igigi and generated the Nephilim, the Igigi are robot the 6 kingdoms are of the native species, the hybrid that was generated is called Nephilim or translated Cyborg. to kill the Cyborgs the Nibiruians flooded the planet, 10 equipped shelters were built where only the members of the native species in the nation of Sarpanitum were hosted and all the dragon animals, including rocs, which you killed.... you took the sources imaginaries of Mesopotamian society have put Noah in Ziusudra's place
В Ветхом Завете о них говорится как о страшной разрушительной силе, что едва не погубила землю. Сторонники других идей заявляют, что именно они научили людей великим таинствам и магическим ритуалам. Что за противоречивые создания – нефилимы? Существовали они только в мифах или действительно когда-то жили на земле? Ангелы – но падшие и наполовину Нефилимы, или исполины, часто упоминаются в библейских сказаниях. В Ветхом Завете истории этих необыкновенных созданий выделены отдельные главы. Как утверждают многие исследователи, нефилимы появились от браков сыновей Сифа с дочерьми Каина...