Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - №1
5 интересных фраз из Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Downtrodden |ˈdaʊntrɒd(ə)n| - Beat down by the world and it's woes, trials, and tribulations; poor or impoverished; oppressed. Almost always used to describe a person or group of people in a truly sad state of things. Перевод: забитый, угнетенный, растоптанный, втоптанный, попранный Примеры: That guy doesn't seem simply out of luck, he seems downtrodden. Majid fed the poor, the weak, the downtrodden. Who will speak for the downtrodden and the oppressed? Rooted to the spot - Unable to move from the place where one is standing or situated, usually because of intense fear or shock. Перевод: приросший...
«Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban» J. K. Rowling Harry Potter is lucky to reach the age of thirteen, since he has survived the murderous attacks of the feared Dark Lord on more than one occasion. But his hopes for a quiet school term concentrating on Quidditch are dashed when a maniacal mass-murderer escapes from Azkaban, pursued by the soul-sucking Dementors who guard the prison. It"s assumed that Hogwarts is the safest place for Harry to be. But is it a coincidence that he can feel eyes watching him in the dark, and should he be taking Professor Trelawney"s ghoulish predictions seriously? Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban (J. K. Rowling). Напишите свою рецензию о книге J. K. Rowling «Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban» https://izbe.ru/book/562343-harry-potter-amp-the-prisoner-of-azkaban-j-k-rowling/