943 читали · 3 года назад
Тетрис - история легендарной игры, придуманной в СССР
Игра в тетрис впервые была запрограммирована в 1985 году на территории бывшего Советского Союза Алексеем Пажитновым. Идея «Тетриса» родилась, когда Алексей наткнулся на детскую настольную игру «Пентамино»...
4 года назад
What do you think, gamers-five facts about Elon Musk and video games
Video games-the way to programming Children's  Hobbies can sometimes have an incredibly large impact on a person's entire life. So it was with Peter I, and with his funny shelves, and with Elon Musk. During E3 2019, the inventor admitted that he started doing programming and computers because of video games. Elon Musk Elon Musk: "One of the reasons I got interested in technology, and probably the only one, is video games. If it weren't for them, I probably would never have started programming and become so interested in computers...