Are You A Fluent Speaker?
It's said that a good improviser is one who possesses numerous cliches and artistic licence at hand for all cases. I had a chat with a teen last night. She told me that she'd never known what she would start with to give a talk. And it doesn't mean that she's uneducated nor does it say she's word-bound. Another case, today I had a chat with a young woman, who is, mind, a software programmer, from India. She's taken her first speaking IELTS test today. We had a lot of chats before in which she showed herself fluent and resourceful enough when discussing various themes...
10,8 тыс читали · 3 года назад
Забавный тест из старых учебников на определение склонности к иностранным языкам
Предлагаю немного отдохнуть от изучения английского и на 5 минут расслабиться за небольшим тестом, который поможет определить, насколько вы предрасположены к иностранным языкам. Делаем серьезные лица и...