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My favorite celebrity.
My favourite celebtiry is Ryan Gosling and this post about him. He began to become popular thanks to the 2004 romantic film The Notebook. After that his career began to grow. After that, he took part in the film "Stay" with Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor. Reviewing the film, Manola Dargis of The New York Times said that Ryan, "like his fans, deserves better." Most often, Ryan Gosling, like all celebrities, publishes messages on social networks. Sometimes he can speak personally with loyal fans. He...
Ryan Gosling
Ryan Goslin was born on November 12, 1980. From an early age he already tried himself in films, for example in a TV show about Mickey Mouse. He became popular thanks to the film Blade Runner 2049 and the legal film “Fanatic”. in one of the films, Ryan Gosling injured his spine and could not act in films for a very long time. Ryan Gosling also often speaks on podcasts and much more, where he meets fans...