7 месяцев назад
«Professional SQL Server 2000 DTS (Data Transformation Services) (Programmer to Programmer)» Mark Chaffin, Brian Knight, Todd Robinson What is this book about? (DTS) Data Transformation Services helps you create a transactional system to load and transform your data from and to a wide variety of sources. SQL Server DTS was introduced in the release of SQL Server 7.0; however, SQL Server 2000 sees the functionality and power of this outstanding and incredibly useful tool greatly increased. DTS can be used to maximum effect in data-driven applications, offering rapid and effective solutions to a wide range of common problems. Professional SQL Server 2000 DTS provides a complete introduction to DTS fundamentals and architecture before exploring the more complex data transformations involved in moving data between different servers, applications, and providers.The book then focuses on DTS programming via the DTS object model, enabling developers to incorporate custom transformations and reporting capabilities into their applications. Advanced topics are explained including error handling, dynamic data loading,and data warehouses. With code and case studies, this book gives the reader a complete picture of how to use DTS to its fullest potential. What does this book cover? Here are just a few of the things you"ll find covered in this book: A detailed explanation of the seventeen principal DTS tasks Connecting to, querying, and converting heterogeneous data Dynamic configuration of your DTS packages Enhancing your DTS packages with VBScript and Visual Basic Writing your own custom tasks Using DTS in a data-warehousing environment Employing DTS in other applications Who is this book for? This book is principally aimed at database programmers and administrators who have a working knowledge of SQL Server, and who wish to take DTS beyond its most basic level and tailor it to their needs. It will also appeal to managers and project managers who want to gain an understanding of DTS and how it could benefit their businesses. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Professional SQL Server 2000 DTS (Data Transformation Services) (Programmer to Programmer) (Mark Chaffin, Brian Knight, Todd Robinson). Напишите свою рецензию о книге Mark Chaffin, Brian Knight, Todd Robinson «Professional SQL Server 2000 DTS (Data Transformation Services) (Programmer to Programmer)» https://izbe.ru/book/354476-professional-sql-server-2000-dts-data-transformation-services-programmer-to-programmer-mark-chaffin-brian-knight-todd-robinson/
[Перевод] Новое в SQL Server 2022: Microsoft.Data.Sqlclient Популярная среди администраторов баз данных SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) для подключения к серверам баз данных (по версию 18.12.1 включительно) использовала System.Data.Sqlclient (SDS). Новая версия SQL Server теперь поставляется с библиотеками Microsoft.Data.Sqlclient (MDS). Пакет Microsoft.Data.SqlClient теперь доступен на NuGet и становится основным способом доступа к данным для SQL Server. Этот пакет поддерживает как .NET Core, так и .NET Framework. Создание нового SqlClient в новом пространстве имен позволяет старому System.Data.SqlClient и новому Microsoft.Data.SqlClient жить бок о бок, хотя это и не происходит автоматически. Читать далее https://habr.com/ru/articles/783836/?utm_source=habrahabr&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=783836