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«Computational Error and Complexity in Science and Engineering: Computational Error and Complexity (Mathematics in Science and Engineering)» Vangipuram Lakshmikantham, Syamal Kumar Sen, V. Lakshmikantham The book Computational Error and Complexity in Science and Engineering pervades all the science and engineering disciplines where computation occurs. Scientific and engineering computation happens to be the interface between the mathematical model/problem and the real world application. One needs to obtain good quality numerical values for any real-world implementation. Just mathematical quantities symbols are of no use to engineers/technologists. Computational complexity of the numerical method to solve the mathematical model, also computed along with the solution, on the other hand, will tell us how much computation/computational effort has been spent to achieve that quality of result. Anyone who wants the specified physical problem to be solved has every right to know the quality of the solution as well as the resources spent for the solution. The computed error as well as the complexity provide the scientific convincing answer to these questions. Specifically some of the disciplines in which the book will be readily useful are (i) Computational Mathematics, (ii) Applied Mathematics/Computational Engineering, Numerical and Computational Physics, Simulation and Modelling. Operations Research (both deterministic and stochastic), Computing Methodologies, Computer Applications, and Numerical Methods in Engineering. Key Features: - Describes precisely ready-to-use computational error and complexity - Includes simple easy-to-grasp examples wherever necessary. - Presents error and complexity in error-free, parallel, and probabilistic methods. - Discusses deterministic and probabilistic methods with error and complexity. - Points out the scope and limitation of mathematical error-bounds. - Provides a comprehensive up-to-date bibliography after each chapter. A· Describes precisely ready-to-use computational error and complexity A· Includes simple easy-to-grasp examples wherever necessary. A· Presents error and complexity in error-free, parallel, and probabilistic methods. A· Discusses deterministic and probabilistic methods with error and complexity. A· Points out the scope and limitation of mathematical error-bounds. A· Provides a comprehensive up-to-date bibliography after each chapter. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Computational Error and Complexity in Science and Engineering: Computational Error and Complexity (Mathematics in Science and Engineering) (Vangipuram Lakshmikantham, Syamal Kumar Sen, V. Lakshmikantham). Напишите свою рецензию о книге Vangipuram Lakshmikantham, Syamal Kumar Sen, V. Lakshmikantham «Computational Error and Complexity in Science and Engineering: Computational Error and Complexity (Mathematics in Science and Engineering)» https://izbe.ru/book/529944-computational-error-and-complexity-in-science-and-engineering-computational-error-and-complexity-mathematics-in-science-and-engineering-vangipuram-lakshmikantham-syamal-kumar-sen-v-lakshmikantham/
«Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering)» This textbook is an introduction to Scientific Computing, in which several numerical methods for the computer solution of certain classes of mathematical problems are illustrated. The authors show how to compute the zeros or the integrals of continuous functions, solve linear systems, approximate functions by polynomials and construct accurate approximations for the solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. To make the presentation concrete and appealing, the programming environments Matlab and Octave, which is freely distributed, are adopted as faithful companions. The book contains the solutions to several problems posed in exercises and examples, often originating from specific applications. A specific section is devoted to subjects which were not addressed in the book and contains the bibliographical references for a more comprehensive treatment of the material. The second edition features many new problems and examples, as well as more numerical methods for linear and nonlinear systems and ordinary and partial differential equations. This book is presently being translated or has appeared in the following languages: Italian, German, French, Chinese and Spanish.. Напишите свою рецензию о книге «Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering)» http://izbe.ru/book/81524-scientific-computing-with-matlab-and-octave-texts-in-computational-science-and-engineering/