Уроки Английского для Школьной Программыю Как выучить английский язык. Школьный Английский 6 класс. Spotlight 5, WL 1 fast
Ответы олимпиада ВсОШ английский язык, 5-6 класс, 77 регион Москва
1. Задание с диалогом:
1 - 7,
2 - 1,
3 - 3,
4 - 2,
5 - 6,
6 - 8,
7 - 4,
8 - 5. 2. Read the text below. Fill in the blanks 1-6 with sentences A-F.
I really love my room. (1) . Because it’s full of fantastic things and sounds. (2). They shine in the dark. (3). I also have a cage full of white mice. (4). They are always more active at night than during the day. (5). Sometimes I like to think I’m a monkey swinging and jumping from bunk to bunk. (6). A) When I’m in bed, I imagine looking at the sky on a moonless night in a desert.
B) Finally, my bunk bed is like a jungle gym.
C) Can you guess why?
D) I guess I’m pretty lucky to have such a cool room...
5 класс в Школьный этап ВсОШ по Английскому языку 2024-2025 Республика Татарстан (16 регион) ВСЕ ОТВЕТЫ!
Task 1. You will hear five different conversations. For each question, choose the correct answer. You will hear the recording twice. 1. You will hear two friends talking about a singer. What do they say about her? A. Her music is better than it used to be. B. Her voice doesn’t sound as good as usual. C. Her new song isn’t as good as her older songs. 2. You will hear to friends talking about a new café. They think the café would be better if A. the dishes were named more clearly.
B. the chairs were more comfortable.
C. the staff were more polite. 3. You will hear a girl telling a friend about her art course...