20,7K просмотров · 3 года назад
5 прочтений · 5 лет назад
When the stars fall. Tea party at night.
*** Rick turned off the laptop in exasperation and leaned back in the couch. He sat on Facebook, listened to music, talked with his brother on Skype. But the dream still did not go. All his thoughts invariably returned to Julia. This girl insanely intrigued him. And, of course, he could not help but notice her amazing body. I wanted to ... A stream of thoughts was interrupted by a familiar melody. Someone played the song “No fear” Jade on the guitar. Listening, he realized that music was heard from the side of Julia's house...
3 прочтения · 1 год назад
The Last Days of Lucifer on Earth. Part two
A real story of our days, which happened on the lands of Jordan. The energy of the most negative character of the Divine Mystery of the Universe – Lucifer – has embodied on Earth in a human body of, at first sight, an ordinary man, a taxi driver, named Mohammad. This story tells how the God's Plan on eliminating and putting an end to the existence of the Lucifer's Energy in the Universe was implemented. Part two The new events did not take long to happen. The Universe provided an opportunity and...