12,3K прочтений · 6 лет назад
Качественные военные фотографии США 1940-1943 гг, снятые на легендарную плёнку Kodachrome
Предлагаю вашему вниманию подборку американских архивных фотографий 1940-1943 гг, снятых на легендарную фотопленку Kodachrome в формате 4x5". Это снимки из библиотеки www.shorpy.com, которые были сделаны в рамках пропоганды мощи военной армии США против гитлеровской Германии того времени...
2 прочтения · 9 месяцев назад
What are some mind-blowing facts about the U.S. military?
During the Vietnam war President Lyndon Johnson and Robert McNamara came up with “Project 100,000,” and the idea was to kill two birds with one stone by drafting men who were developmentally disabled or just too stupide to be left into the army. It was to provide more men for the war effort and give the less fortunate a chance at being productive members of society There’s typically an IQ minimum of 80 points to serve in the US military, but the rule was loosened, and they started allowing in men with mental disabilities...