554 прочтения · 1 год назад
Когда и кому говорят CHOP-CHOP?
Hey guys! Thanks for noticing this article! Сегодня мы с вами покопаемся во всем многообразии использования слова chop. И ближе к концу статьи я раскрою вам, что же это за chop-chop, по сути никак не связанный с изначальным значением слова chop. chop Перед вами один из "кулинарных" глаголов. Chop означает "резать". Например, можно chop the pork into small cubes - порезать свинину на маленькие кубики. Или chop carrots, chop onions - chop что угодно! Chop the potato into bite-sized pieces. Порежьте картофель на небольшие кусочки...
5 дней назад
«When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?» George Carlin This is a book in which George Carlin manages to offend everyone who reads it, depending on their political preferences, how they feel about minorities, the handicapped, the homeless, the chronically ill, the elderly, etc, etc, etc. In other words, if you have an opinion about anything at all, he will manage to upset you at some point if you read this book. Having said that, this is one of the best books I have ever read. Not only is his take on life hilarious, he is more often than not right-on in his views on life and the way people live it. I think his views actually reflect the way the majority of people think about things, it's just that he's the only one with enough guts (read: balls) to actually put his feelings in print.» - Reviewed by halftail cat from amazon/com Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops? (George Carlin). Напишите свою рецензию о книге George Carlin «When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?» https://izbe.ru/book/443397-when-will-jesus-bring-the-pork-chops-george-carlin/