2 года назад
Bigfoot Stole My Wife by Ron Carlson
The problem is credibility. The problem, as I’m finding out over the last few weeks, is basic credibility. A lot of people look at me and say, sure Rick, Bigfoot stole your wife. It makes me sad to see it, the look of disbelief in each person’s eye. Trudy’s disappearance makes me sad, too, and I’m sick in my heart about where she may be and how he’s treating her, what they do all day, if she’s getting enough to eat. I believe he’s being good to her—I mean I feel it—and I’m going to keep hoping to see her again, but it is my belief that I probably won’t...
2 года назад
兄貴 (Aniki). Monster and άλφα (fantasy)
Real events, real characters. A story from life. The reality of which no one will ever believe. That’s why it’s a fantasy. All right, let’s make it fantasy… The book may seem uninteresting and non-dynamic at first. This was the case with my friends until they learned the real names of some of the characters. Then they reread the book again under a completely different impression. Can you guess — who is who — in this book? You’ll be amazed. And you won’t believe it. That’s why this book is in the fantasy genre, smiley...